Welcome to my Portfolio
Welcome to my art and paintings portfolio.
I hope you enjoy watching my paintings, some of them
are availiable as prints. Contact me for more information.

Are you looking for my print-/webdesign, it/data projects
and support company called NALF? (swedish language only)
- Click here.

  Nickname: bM

:: Latest news

2006.12.27 - Merry Christmas * 3 NEW TUTORIALS * (preview)
Third,fourth and fifth tutorial is online. Two step-by-step/walktrough guides. Click on "Tutorials" in the menu above.
Check out my newest paintings, in my updated sections, also added a new section called "sci-fi". Not to many paintings in there yet though =) Some of my latest paintings has been featured here and there over the net, and i appreciate all of comments and feedback!
First update for a very, very long time! Been busy years with mostly designing and not so much painting :( But i'm slowly getting into it again. Be sure to check out my galleries! Hugs and kisses!
2003.08.03 - Nominated for Elite & Site updates
W00t, nominated again over at GFXArtist. I also updated the portfolio, did a new design for the startpage. Much better :)
2003.07.24 - Tutorial 002 ONLINE!
Second tutorial is online. Useful painting shortcuts in Adobe Photoshop(tm). Click on "Tutorials" in the menu above.
2003.07.15 - Tutorial 001 ONLINE!
My first tutorial/step-by-step is online. It took 6 hours to finish it. Check it out by clickin on "Tutorials" in the menu.
2003.07.08 - The Project
Started planning on a personal project. A painting that is 3 meters wide and 0.7 meter high. More information later.
2003.07.01 - Nominated for Elite
I got nominated for elite for the second time with my concept painting "Home". Although i didn't become an elite it was an honour. Click here to visit GFXArtist.
2003.06.15 - 1st Prize
Won 1st prize at the swedish scene/compo lan: Underscore with my hirez/airbrushed painting Evergrey.

My Favorites


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All paintings are protected by copyright laws. © 2002-2008, Nicklas Forsberg - NALF
This page has been viewed 69724 times since 2003.07.10