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time to paint:
~ 12 hours.
Adobe Photoshop 7.0
- a little clooser to home.

This is my fantasy world where fairytales live.

Airbrushed in Adobe Photoshop 7.0.
Finished it in one day, ~ 12 hours.
No references used.
A3 Print edition ready.

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(fyll i 31337)


2005.12.21 - 23:10 by DinbrorTimmy
asså jag diggar dina ljuseffekter :P ska köpa en Wacom sen å då jävlar ;) haha :P
2005.07.05 - 20:01 by freakmean
what a picture man

2005.03.26 - 19:34 by ren faustino
wow, dude, that is one fine painting..i m a noob with photoshop, i wish i got your skills.. you got my respect man, that is one hell of a painting.. keep it up
2005.03.20 - 04:54 by Lakeside
Awesome is an I was wondering how I and if I could use Photoshop to create art I d want to hang on my wall...and if I should get a tablet someday, and then I saw your incredible painting..thanks
2005.02.12 - 06:22 by cutekitten
2004.10.31 - 16:55 by I. M. Pressed
Ah, i can do that i paint! =P
2004.10.29 - 19:30 by arT2
i wish i was there. very nice work. i like that you put so much details in your pictures. the little skull at the right on the bridge is cool. the sky in the backgroud ... i ve forgot to breath.
2004.10.22 - 20:05 by Amanda
all i cna say really is WOW! that is so amazing. i totally wish i could do stuff that well. this IS the best pic i ve yet to see. kudos to you man.
2004.10.04 - 00:21 by Korpfader
Jag älskar den här bilden.. Mörk men också otroligt lummig och grön. helt perfekt stämning. om du har lust att tipsa mig om hur du gjorde ljuseffecterna, typ vilket verktyg du använde. så är jag väldigt tacksam.. du når mig på


2004.09.15 - 09:28 by saurav
i love u
2004.08.27 - 13:32 by yahya takamul
one of the best website for enjoument and learning ADOBE PHOTOSHOP is good tutorials .com
ireally like this website it is the best website in the world
and this picture seems very nice i wish i could paint like this and i wish i could live here with a beautiful girl.

2004.07.11 - 22:30 by Night
Wow man ... creativity is one thing coming up with the idea of the scenery but the detail and how u put it together is amazing... GJ im very new at this and tryin to learn how to make something like that out of nothing... sooner or later i will :D

2004.06.28 - 21:28 by Lilith
den är fullkomligt underbar! jag är intresserad av det du gör och kommer att köpa många av dina teckningar så fort du blir klart med   buy prints  
2004.06.10 - 06:37 by rafo
es un trabajo muy bueno compa
2004.05.14 - 09:32 by Anson
2004.04.22 - 11:26 by Marika
Helt underbar, du är otroligt duktig.
2004.03.19 - 13:39 by sangit awari
thats grt
2004.02.29 - 19:17 by Joel jönsson
Riktigt fräsch! Den gillar jag skarpt! / Really cool! I like it alot!!!
2004.02.01 - 04:15 by cheapy dwarf
pretty :)
2004.01.30 - 05:50 by Phaese
I don t think he sat down for 12 hours and did it all at once...

I don t know how you can do that on the computer. Amazing.

2004.01.25 - 11:52 by Vasilisa
It is a perfect picture. At once it is visible, that the artist has tried.
Your creativity is necessary for many people. A thank from me and my friends.

2004.01.16 - 23:39 by joey
you drew.... for 12 hours straight? do you have a life outside of drawing or are you a professional artist?
2004.01.02 - 21:11 by Victor Gustafsson (Habo)
Den e riktigt snygg niklas ! ;D Vi måste ta en match på CS snart me ! CyA!
2003.11.13 - 09:28 by venkat
good very nice very good job
keep it

2003.11.03 - 23:55 by test
2003.10.30 - 22:54 by MICHELLE
it s REALLY beautiful!!!marvellous!!!

2003.10.20 - 18:37 by Percy
WOW!!! You are a God!
2003.10.10 - 05:08 by BEN
WOW!!!!! You are a good , i like it
2003.10.10 - 05:10 by BEN
i want to learn it,
2003.10.07 - 21:56 by marti7D3
i wish i can paint like u ^^
2003.09.25 - 16:40 by maggie
I want to live here=)
2003.09.16 - 00:58 by Fishmonger
Dear god!
Can t find the right words to decribe it s beauty.
Dear god was the first thing that poped into my head. Truly amazing.

The only thing I noticed was the mushrooms far up to the right and left.
I get the feeling that they stand out to much from the rest of the upper landscape.
Almost getting this pasted feeling.

But again. Truly amazing.

2003.09.15 - 21:46 by Nesch
WOW.. what a deep in the picture!
Really love the light effect!

You can feel the strenght and speed of the water...

2003.09.11 - 14:21 by Soterialive
Now, I know you put your signature in the stream somewhere so...where is it?! You dont know me but it looks really really good! I wish I could do that in photoshop! I need more tutorials like the one you offer here. Thanks!
2003.09.09 - 08:25 by Frank
Man I though i new photoshop well. Very nice the bob of the digital world
2003.09.07 - 23:13 by Jabba
You re crazy :) One of the best "digital artists" I know. Keep it up man.
2003.08.23 - 20:26 by Jakob
Very nice. A bit dark for my tastes but still a great digital painting. Impressive lighting effects.
2003.08.22 - 17:14 by Forge
Ahh, I would do anything to paint like that :)
2003.08.04 - 16:32 by Nightmare Seraph
Gorgeous! I wish I lived there.
2003.08.03 - 23:54 by OPREV
GREAT !!! I have no more word s to say
All paintings are protected by copyright laws. © 2002-2008, Nicklas Forsberg - NALF
This painting has been viewed 19548 times.